Work-life balance: it's a phrase you hear often in your workplace, but do you know what it means? Work-life balance is essentially the ability to create a healthy work environment for yourself. It's about making sure that your work blends well with the rest of your life so that you're able to enjoy both equally. The key here is not having too much going on at once (check out our Free Work-Life Balance Calculator if you’re curious). If you're constantly juggling tasks and projects, it can be hard to keep track of what needs doing when or how long things will take. While this isn't always possible (some jobs just require more than others), there are ways to mitigate the chaos—and make sure you stay on top of things!
Create a morning routine that works for you.
You've heard of morning routines for years. It's a great way to set yourself up for success and make sure you're handling your day successfully, but what does it mean? A morning routine is a habit that you complete every day when you wake up. It can include things like exercise or meditation, but it's most commonly used as a tool for productivity and organization.
It doesn't matter what your morning routine looks like—just as long as it works well for YOU! For example, some people love going on a hike before they get to work while others prefer coffee at home with their pets in the morning sun. Others still might take advantage of the caffeine boost from coffee by writing first thing in the morning (if this sounds like something that would work well for YOU!). No matter what kind of person YOU are there will always be an activity that will benefit YOUR life more than others - so don't feel discouraged if someone else has something that seems cooler than yours - just do whatever makes sense given YOUR situation!
Get an early start to your day.
One of the best ways to defeat chaos is to get an early start on your day. By getting an early start, you will be giving yourself ample time to tackle any issues that may arise throughout your day and make sure that you are always prepared for whatever comes up next.
To get an early start, set aside at least 30 minutes before leaving for work every morning so that you have time to mentally prepare yourself for what lies ahead. This preparation should include:
Reviewing any important documents or files from the previous day so that they’re fresh in your mind
Writing down any tasks or priorities for the current day
Prioritizing these tasks so as not to overload yourself with too much work all at once
Make a daily task list.
When you're trying to win a major victory in your life, it can be overwhelming to try and get everything done at once. You have so many things you want to do that it feels like there's no way they'll ever get done. Instead of trying to take on the world in one fell swoop, break down your goals into smaller chunks that are more manageable. That way, instead of feeling overwhelmed by all the work at hand, you'll feel excited and motivated by how much progress you've made each day!
Here’s how: make yourself a daily task list using whatever method works best for you (I personally prefer using a priority matrix). Keep track of everything that needs doing and then put those tasks into categories based on when they need to be done. Once this is complete, set aside some time every morning just for going over this list and seeing what needs completing first before moving on to anything else!
Take time to prioritize important tasks in the morning.
The most effective way to organize your day is to start with a list of all of your tasks, then prioritize them by importance, urgency, and deadline. Use this order:
Importance - This is how critical it is that you complete this task. This can be measured by its relationship to other things (i.e., what happens if I don't do this?)
Urgency - How soon does it need to get done? Is there any wiggle room here?
Deadline - When do you need it done? This one should be fairly obvious.
Don't take on too much right out of the gate.
It's easy to get stuck on a task and lose track of time, especially if you're juggling multiple projects at once. But it is possible to accomplish more by working smarter and not harder.
In this case, "working smarter" means taking on less at the beginning of the day. Don't try to tackle every single thing that needs to be done right away—even if it feels like your boss or partner will never notice if one thing slips through the cracks for just a few hours. Start with the most important tasks first (and save those emails for later). Do them well, then let yourself off the hook for everything else until tomorrow!
Know your most productive hours, and schedule similar tasks together.
If you don’t know when your body and mind are most focused, experiment with different times of day to determine which time works best for you. You might find that there is no universal “best time” for everyone; some people are better at writing in the morning, while others are more creative after lunch. If a colleague who shares your workspace has different preferences than yours, try scheduling his or her tasks around their peak productivity times as well.
Schedule breaks- and stick to them.
Breaks are not only important for your mental health, but they’re vital for your physical health too. Make sure that you schedule a break at regular intervals (for example every hour). Plan accordingly so that these breaks are long enough to recharge and make sure that they do not interfere with other important work.
When you take breaks, try doing something physically active like going outside or walking around the block instead of just sitting down and watching TV or staring at a computer screen; it will help clear your mind and keep you energized when returning to work. If possible, bring some healthy snacks with you so that if you get hungry during your break time, it's easy to grab something quick without having to leave what's going on around us in order to find something else quick!
Stay motivated by making it fun!
In order to stay motivated and focused, you need to make sure that the tasks you are doing are enjoyable. You also have to be mindful of what kinds of things you are doing, as well as how many things you are doing at once. If it is possible to stick with one task at a time and make sure it is something that brings joy into your life, then this will help keep your brain from getting bored or overwhelmed.
On the flip side, if you find yourself constantly switching between tasks or trying new ones all the time without finishing any of them, then this could be a sign that there is some level of stress in your life outside of work (such as family issues).
Use a timer to keep you focused and on track.
You can use a timer to make sure you stay focused on the task at hand. Set your timer for 20 minutes and then set it down. If you find that your mind starts drifting, pick up your timer again and start counting how many seconds have passed since you last looked at it. This will help keep you focused because as soon as someone says they'll be right back, or when an email comes in, etc., those little voices in our head say "just one more thing" and before we know it, we're behind schedule by five minutes!
The best part is that once you've learned how to manage yourself with a timer, there's no reason not to use one every day! You'll be surprised at what kind of things happen when you stick to regular schedules; suddenly people stop asking if they can interrupt because they know if they wait long enough then everything will get done anyways (and don't worry about feeling stressed out either - having these boundaries around time management actually gives us freedom from stress).
Use checklists to stay organized and on track.
Checklists are a great way to stay organized, and they can also help you avoid missing important tasks. If your boss gave you a list of things to do, then it's easy to see how checklists could be useful—but there are plenty of other reasons why checklists can come in handy.
For example, if you have a checklist for each aspect of your job right next to the thing that needs doing (home example: "Laundry" written next to your dirty clothes hamper), then it's easier for anyone else who might need access to that information later on down the line (i.e., like when they're doing their own laundry).
The same goes for personal life tasks as well! For example, a good friend once told me how she created a weekly checklist system for herself after graduating college because she wanted something more concrete than just "go out with friends." This allowed her to set aside specific times during each week when she could go out with friends without having any excuses not to attend those events since they were already planned beforehand!
Organize your time better
You can achieve a positive work-life balance if you know how to organize your time better.
This is very important, especially in the modern world. In today's age, everyone has many responsibilities and tasks on their shoulders. You have to manage all of them or else chaos will ensue.
You need to keep things under control so that there won't be any problems that can ruin your day or even worse, make you late for work!
It's also important to avoid stress at work because it can affect your health and make it harder for you to do anything properly at all times!
If you’re looking to get more out of life, then it starts with making sure that your daily routine is on track. This means knowing how much time we need for sleep, exercise, and other health-related activities. If you still haven't checked out our Free Work-Life Balance Calculator, be sure to do so. Then we can use this information to make sure our workday doesn’t cut into these valuable moments by making smarter decisions about how much time should go into each activity or task in order for them all to work together as a whole.